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Showing posts from May 24, 2011

FROM SERVANT TO SON Part III.....Friendship

From Servant to Son Part III…Friendship Colossians 2:6 - As you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him In order to fully walk in Him we need to walk through four stages of Christian growth. The first stage of our walk is our SERVANTSHIP stage. Ø      This is the baby stage of our Christian walk Ø      This is when we walk beneath God. Ø      This is our outercourt experience with many priests serving and sacrificing for   the sins of Israel . Those who move in this level of a servantship revelation have a saying which is, "You are saved to serve” . Ø      This sounds very good to the babe in Christ, who does not know any better, but in fact it is far from the truth. The second stage in Christ is our DISCIPLESHIP . Ø      This is the child stage of our walk. Ø      This is when we walk behind God. Ø      T...