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Showing posts from May 23, 2011

FROM SERVANT TO SON Part IV.....The Sons of God Revealed

From Servant to Son Part IV…The Sons of God Revealed (Please understand before reading this final teaching in this series, that when the Holy Spirit uses the term "Sons of God" He is not refering to men only. God is not interested in bringing forth men only, He is not speaking to your fleshly male or female nature. He is talking about that manchild Christ nature that has been birthed within you.) Colossians 2:6 - As you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him.         Ø      Servantship is when we walk beneath God. This stage of our Christian walk is the baby stage. Ø      Discipleship is when we walk behind God. This stage of our Christian walk is the child stage. Ø      Friendship is when we walk beside God. This stage of our Christian walk is the coming into maturity stage. God must start us off as servants, then disciples, then friends until one day soon our...